Din huskeliste

Freestanding: Place the bed wherever you feel like

Most Svane beds can be placed anywhere in the room, regardless of the room’s size. A wall socket or a cold wall could may cause danger of fire or problems with dampness. Svane’s freestanding concept is the perfect solution. With headboards that can be attached to the bed, you can easily move the bed away from the walls.

Frei im Raum

Unique headboards that can be attached to the bed

Svane Berlin 630 and Svane Paris 630 headboards are easily assembled, and can be used as a backrest for two people. The headboard attachment is subtle, yet robust, allowing the bed to be placed anywhere in the room. Pictured: Svane Berlin 630.

Creative interior solutions

Examples of area plans that work well with our freestanding concept.

Most Svane bedside tables can be accessed from both sides

The freestanding concept includes our bedside tables Svane City (pictured) and Svane Metro. These bedside tables can be accessed equally well from both sides.

Svane Opera ottoman – extra storage and seating combined

Svane Opera ottoman doubles as extra storage and bedroom seating. The ottoman can be placed both in front of and behind the bed. It can be placed anywhere in the room, actually.
Svane Zense kontinentalseng

Svane Zense continental bed

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Svane Zense regulerbar seng

Svane Zense adjustable bed

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Svane Zonic kontinentalseng

Svane Zonic continental bed

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Svane Zonic regulerbar seng

Svane Zonic adjustable bed

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Svane Zonic mattress

Svane Zonic mattress

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Svane Silhouette kontinentalseng

Svane Silhouette continental bed

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Svane Silhouette kontinentalseng

Svane Silhouette mattress

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Svane Silhouette regulerbar seng

Svane Silhouette adjustable bed

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